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Offline exchange
Cash points
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The crypto industry is developing and gaining popularity among advanced professional traders and ordinary users. When the rate falls, we see a surge of buying activity in cryptocurrency exchanges; when the rate rises, there is increased interest from major investors and observers. Bitcoin is more than 10 years old, but there are few reliable cryptoexchangers in Ukraine.

How to choose a convenient cryptoexchange?

If you need to buy cryptocurrencies for hryvnias, dollars, euros, pounds or exchange one coin for another, you can choose one of the options:

  • Cryptocurrency exchange – the most complicated option. The user needs to create an account, verify identity and location, which causes you to lose a few hours or days;
  • offline exchange – an option that will suit those who want to make a transaction for cash, but such exchange points need to be carefully checked in order not to become a victim of fraudsters;
  • The online currency exchange is the fastest way, which does not require a personal meeting, so you can get the money to the card within 15 minutes.

We offer buying and selling crypto in a safe and convenient way – online with a bank card or offline for cash. Compared to dozens of crypto exchangers, we can highlight the following advantages of 24 Change:

  • Thoughtful offer of exchange pairs and payment providers for buying and selling with VISA, MasterCard of different banks, through Advanced Cash, Perfect Money systems;
  • multicurrency – we offer transactions in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether (Omni, ERC-20 and TRC-20), DAI, Dogecoin, Ethereum Classic, Uniswap and other coins;
  • favorable rates, selected among the best offers on the market;
  • up to 15 minutes exchange speed;
  • prompt and qualified support service;
  • availability of public data on the current state of the reserve balance on the main page of the site;
  • offline exchange of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine in cash points;
  • intuitive interface that does not require in-depth technical knowledge to make transactions;
  • possibility of buying and selling almost anywhere in the world if you have a bank card;
  • additional promotional offers and pleasant bonuses.

24 Change – secure cryptocurrency exchanger

24 Change client confidentiality and security are our key advantages. The 24 Change team has spent several years building a reputation as a reliable cryptocurrency exchanger and an experienced player on the crypto market who values users and their funds. It is important to us that your data is carefully protected and your money stays your money. That’s why we continue to pay close attention to secure transactions and systеm protection and only work with trusted partners.

To keep yourself safe, set up more security options in your account. Set up pin code access and notifications about sign in to email or Telegram, create a list of allowed IP addresses to limit who can sign in to the account and from where, and updаte your password regularly. By following these simple rules, you’ll increase the security of your funds.

What online exchangers are different from each other

When analyzing the market of cryptocurrency exchangers in Ukraine, the following differences in functionality can be highlighted.

Wallet registration and account verification. Anonymous services without the ability to create an account and therefore restore it if access is lost.
Setup additional services for security: IP whitelisting, anti-phishing code, two-factor authentication, notification systеm. Security only inside the systеm – “under the hood”.
Multicurrency platforms with a selection of crypto and fiat currencies to exchange. Access to exchange, for example, only for U.S. dollars or only in Bitcoin.
Live Support. Operators are robots only.
sеlect partners and payment providers. Transaction only through one provider (or the one the systеm will give you).

To choose the best e-money exchanger for yourself, first of all think about your priorities – low risks, comfortable service, stable operations. 24 Change cares about its clients and offers the most effective exchange conditions:

  • opportunity to register an account;
  • to choose a payment provider;
  • turn on advanced security settings;
  • to communicate with the support service and so on.

How to buy cryptocurrency in Ukraine?

You can buy cryptocurrencies in Ukraine in two ways:

  • cash offline – for cash in the branches of cryptocurrency exchangers or cash points;
  • non-cash payment online – using VISA and MasterCard bank cards issued by Ukrainian banks – “PrivatBank”, “Monobank”, “FUIB” and others on the website 24

Where to buy cryptocurrency in Ukraine?

You can buy cryptocurrencies in Ukraine in the online exchange, having a smartphone and access to the Internet, or offline in the 24 Change crypto exchange branch in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Lviv, Dnipro, Vinnitsa and other cities. Please check availability of the offline cash withdrawal point in your city with 24 Change support managers.

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07.03.2023, 09:47